July 25, 2022

Dexter City Council

Work Session and Meeting

Monday, July 25, 2022

Work Session @ 6:00 p.m. / Meeting @ 7 p.m.

3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom

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Meeting ID: 886 9807 6169#

Work Session Agenda: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2022/Agendas/2022-07-25-CC-A-WS.pdf

Work Session Packet: Forthcoming

Meeting Agenda: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2022/Agendas/2022-07-25-CC-A.pdf

Meeting Packet: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2022/Packets/2022-07-25-CC-P.pdf

WORK SESSION @ 6:00 p.m.

We will continue our discussion of the fire station as we near a decision about what sort of millage proposal, if any, we will place in front of voters in November 2022. You might recall the “opportunity statement” Council recently defined:

Although residents have been satisfied with the service delivered out of the station, the current City of Dexter fire station is functionally obsolete to meet the demands of a modern fire and rescue station, in 2022. Therefore, the City of Dexter City Council has determined the current station needs significant renovation or a new fire station needs to be constructed, to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of our firefighters and our residents.

We also defined the following guiding principles: 

1. We believe that providing a solid foundation for fire and emergency prevention, preparedness, and response is important.

2. We believe the health, safety, and welfare of our community, including our fire fighters is important.

3. We believe that regulations, requirements, and design best practices for fire stations and fire rescue services have changed since the fire station was constructed in the 1950s.

4. We believe that as elected officials of the City of Dexter, our first and primary obligation is to the residents of the City of Dexter and that the needs of the DAFD service area should be prioritized only when required by the DAFD Interlocal Agreement.

5. We believe that we must be good stewards of taxpayer’s funds, endeavor to be fiscally responsible with City funds both now and over the long-term, and make judicious financial decisions.

6. We believe that we must provide our residents with sufficient and accurate information to help them understand the fire station decision-making process.

7. We believe in engaging as much of the public as possible in the decision-making process.

In the 7/11/2022 work session packet, we were presented with the following updated cost estimates (note than an option to build new at the existing 8140 Main Street site is also included; however, we have not discussed that):

The clock is ticking: To meet the deadline to place a proposal on the November election ballot, language must be submitted to Washtenaw County no later than August 16, 2022 at 4:00pm. The public is welcome to attend and comment (non-arranged public participation is the first item on the work session agenda).


As always, there are two opportunities for non-arranged public participation: one near the beginning of the meeting and one near the end of the meeting. See the agenda for details.

During pre-arranged participation, we will hear from Mike Kloack from Meeder Public Funds regarding the City of Dexter’s investment strategy. See beginning page 5 of the packet for the presentation. 

Council will review (1) minutes of its most recent meeting and work sessions and (2) the upcoming meeting list. We will also hear various updates from staff, including the City Manager and the Mayor (note that corresponding written reports are included in the meeting packet). 

Some staff updates that might be of interest:

  1. 2022 Summer Tax Bills. 2022 Summer tax bills were mailed on July 1st. If someone you know has not received one, please ask them to contact Marie Sherry at the City Office.

  2. Zoning Ordinance Update: The public hearing on the Zoning Ordinance Update has been rescheduled to September 6, 2022. Prior to the publication of the public hearing notice, staff will prepare a press release to generate “buzz” about the update. Additionally, City staff and CWA are drafting a letter to property owners whose zoning is proposed to change and explain how the proposed ordinance might affect their homes, property or business. The letters will contain links to the city’s website where more detailed information will be available. Getting the information out to affected property owners is necessary, but it will also help to obtain as much feedback as possible before the public hearing.

  3. Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Updates:

    1. On June 12, Deputies conducted an underage liquor sale inspection in the 8100 block of Main Street. Deputies had received complaints of alcohol being furnished to minors from the location. Deputies sent in an underage Sheriff’s Office Explorer who was able to successfully purchase alcohol. Deputies contacted the Clerk and issued a citation for the violation. On June 13, Deputies conducted another inspection in the 8100 block of Main Street utilizing another underage Explorer who was again able to purchase alcohol. Another citation was issued, and a violation notice has been sent to the Liquor Control Commission (LCC).

    2. On June 18, Deputies investigated a series of attempted Home Invasions in the 200 block of Victoria Drive. In all the incidents, the rear screen door had been cut, however entry was not gained. During their investigation, Deputies located the instrument believed to be used to damage the screen doors and collected it as evidence. These incidents fit the modus operandi (M.O.) of the incidents that occurred on May 20th in the same neighborhood.

    3. On June 19, Deputies investigated an Indecent Exposure complaint on the Border-to-Border trail in Webster Township. During their investigation, Deputies arrested a 37-year-old Dexter City resident. During questioning, the subject admitted to the May 20th Home Invasion and implicated himself in the June 18th attempted Home Invasions. Deputies are continuing to investigate, and the subject is currently in custody at the Washtenaw County Jail.

Following the presentation and any discussion of these reports, Council will consider the following items as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless Council votes to do otherwise, these items are voted on as a single bundle without Council discussion.

  • Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $280,000.80

  • Homecoming Parade Road Closure Permit

    • The City of Dexter has received a road closure permit request submitted by the Dexter High School Student Council for the Dexter High School Homecoming Parade on September 30th, 2022. The parade will include closures to the following roads between 1:30PM to 2:40PM:

      •  Parker

      •  Dexter-Chelsea

      •  Main

      •  Baker

      •  Shield

Relocation of Wellhouse VFDs for an Amount not to Exceed $46,550

  • Staff is interested in relocating the Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) currently located in the four (4) wells. The main purpose of the relocated VFDs is to slowly ramp up and down the flow of water through the well pumps rather than instantly open and closing. By making this change, the wells will become more energy efficient as well as reduce wear-and-tear on parts of the pump, whereas in the current system, the water is hammering through.

  • This project was included in the FY 22/23 budget and staff recommends utilizing UIS for the project.

Council will consider (i.e., take formal action on; “C”) or discuss (i.e., take no formal action on; “D”) the following business:

  • AP2021.22-14 CSP Combined Preliminary and Final Site Plan for Kids’ Land Montessori (C)

    • On July 5, 2022 the Planning Commission considered the revised combined site plan, for a change of use, from medical/professional offices with an attached single-family residential dwelling unit behind the offices (i.e., live-work/mixed-use) to a private Montessori school. The subject site is located at 2870 Baker Road. The applicant’s proposal calls for interior and exterior renovations of the existing 4,932 square foot structure to facilitate the change of use.

  • Memorandum of Understanding for the Low Income Housing Water Assistance Program Conducted by Washtenaw County (C)

    • The City of Dexter has received a Memorandum of Understating (MOU) from Washtenaw County regarding their Low Income Housing Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). For the program, residents who fall at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Limit or receive SSI, TANF, SER, or SNAP are eligible to receive up $650 in assistance toward their delinquent utility bills or can request up to $2,000 if the household has a child under 5, a person over 60, or a person with a disability in the home.

    • By signing the MOU, the City of Dexter does not take on any additional work when it comes to program operation. Washtenaw County will be handling the workload related to program operation and distribution of funds to participants. The roles the City will take on will be agreeing to continue service to households receiving LIHWAP funding for 90 days from the date the payment is made and to have a contact person for the LIHWAP program who can confirm payment amounts prior to payout.

    • The program funding is trickled down from the federal to the State to the County.

  • Hotel Hickman Lease (D)

    • The agreement with Hotel Hickman for their lease of 8050 Main St. is set to expire in October of 2022. Typically, staff will prepare a new two-year lease agreement, which City Council would be asked to consider.

    • At the request of Council member Griffin, staff has reached out to long time Dexter residents and employees to get more background information regarding what has occupied the property (below will be in order of oldest to newest to the best recollection of those assisting in piecing together property history):

      • Trading Post

      • Post Office

      • Senator Copeland (Purchased)

      • Women’s Group (Given by Senator Copeland) Library (Created by Women’s Group)

      • Village of Dexter Council Chambers (the 70s) Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Substation

      • Cookie Momster (intentional misspelling) Laura’s

      • Jake’s Place

      • Hotel Hickman

  • Fire Station (D)

    • My words: Perhaps a placeholder for any additional discussion required after the work session? The intent is unclear. I would have expected perhaps a placeholder for a consideration item related to the fire station (i.e., an item in which Council might make a decision regarding a potential millage proposal). The rationale for having an item to continue discussion (without making a decision) given we have a work session prior to the meeting is unclear to me.

  • Sloan-Kingsley Property (D)

    • At the previous City Council meeting, Dave Lutton, one of the new owners of the 240 acres of the Sloan-Kingsley Property, spoke to City Council about the idea of entering a 425 Agreement with Scio Township to bring the property into the City limits. Mr. Lutton provided information regarding his background in real estate as well as his partnership with Midwest Consulting. He also went through a presentation that highlighted the various aspects of his vision for the property (see attached).

    • In his vision, Mr. Lutton sees adding various types of residential properties, which would potentially require attaching the proposed developments to the City’s water and sewer system.

    • City Council expressed interest in continuing the discussion around what a 425 Agreement would look like, how this addition would shape Dexter both residentially and infrastructurally, and what the outcomes for various stakeholders would entail.


August 8, 2022