December 27, 2022
City of Dexter
City Council Meeting
Tuesday, December 27, 2022 @ 7 p.m.
3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom
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Meeting ID: 889 9807 6169#
Meeting Agenda:
Meeting Packet:
As always, there are two opportunities for non-arranged public participation: one near the beginning of the meeting and one near the end of the meeting. See the agenda for details. Just state your name and address and then share your thoughts–it’s that easy!
Council will review (1) minutes of its most recent meeting(s) and (2) the upcoming meeting list. We will also hear various updates from staff, including the City Manager and the Mayor (note that corresponding written reports are included in the meeting packet).
Staff updates that might be of interest:
Holiday Office Closures. The City Offices will be closed on Friday, December 23rd, Monday, December 26th, Friday, December 30th, and Monday, January 2nd for the holiday season.
Following the presentation and any discussion of these reports, Council will consider the following items as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless Council votes to do otherwise, these items are voted on as a single bundle without Council discussion.
Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $319,950.33
Appointments to Boards and Committees
Economic Development Corporation – Term Ending December 2028
Jim Carson (reappointment)
Tom Covert (reappointment)
Scott Merz (reappointment)
Dan O’Haver (reappointment)
Election Commission – Term Ending January 2026
Ray Tell (reappointment)
Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee – Term Ending June 2025
Jason Fogelson
Board of Review – Term Ending January 2026
Donna Fisher
Proposal from Piage Ashe-Baggett for DPW CDL Training for an Amount not to Exceed $9,000
In February 2022, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration established new minimum training requirements that impact individuals getting their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) for the first time. For the City, two new DPW employees require this training in order to operate the City’s large plow and salt trucks. Currently, the City has three DPW employees with CDLs, but one is on extended medical leave. Two other employees, one from the Utilities Department and the Public Services Superintendent, have their CDLs and can assist with snow plowing should the need arise.
City staff has been in contact with Piage Ashe-Baggett, who is certified with the MCSA (verified with the MCSA website) and conducts CDL training for Milan Area Schools. The training costs $100 per hour for an estimated 35 to 40 hours per person, but the training for each person can run concurrently. With the requirement being new as of this year, the number of trainers is small and availability is limited.
Council will consider (i.e., take formal action on; “C”) or discuss (i.e., take no formal action on; “D”) the following business:
Renaming First Street Park to Paul Cousins Park (C)
This item was requested by Council Member Semifero.
First Street Park (aka Horseshoe Park) is located on 2nd Street near Edison Street. This 0.94-acre park is situated along the railroad, hosting amenities such as horse shoe pits, picnic tables, a grill and portable restrooms. The property was obtained by the City in February 1988 from Edward and Donna Palmer, and shortly after in June of the same year, the City designated it as park land. In April 2006, the Parks Commission requested special land use approval in order to construct the now synonymous horseshoe pits by the Dexter Ringers, which was approved by City Council only a week later. From 2013 on, the City worked to continually improve the park, budgeting for additions such as storage and general improvements.
In the 2000s, Paul Cousins was instrumental in coordinating the improvements to First Street Park. Between his work with the Village Council, Dexter Ringers Horseshoe Club and other members of staff, improvements were made to the park that created a destination for horseshoeing.
Knowing that this item was requested for the upcoming City Council agenda, staff solicited feedback on this item from members of the Parks & Recreation Commission during their December meeting. Members of Parks & Recreation were interested in waiting on making this decision to give time to explore other potential ways to honor Mr. Cousin’s contributions to the Dexter community.
Winter Tree Trimming Program Proposal for Westridge from Burman’s Tree Services for an Amount not to Exceed $10,000 (C)
As discussed during prior budget work sessions, the City has started a multi-year rotating tree trimming schedule, wherein the City's arborist would visit a different section of the City each winter. The primary goal of the tree trimming program is to remove excess foliage from reaching over sidewalks and roadways and review the health of the trees in these neighborhoods. In FY 2021-22, the City completed work in Huron Farms and Dexter Crossing (Sections 4 and 6). The intent was to tackle the first two sections of the City in the first year, with one other section being completed each year thereafter. The next section identified by the City’s Department of Public Works is the Westridge neighborhood (Section 1).
The City's arborist, Burman’s Tree Services (formerly Arbor Care Tree Surgeons), has provided a quote of $10,000 to perform the street tree trimming work in the Westridge neighborhood (Section 1). Copies of these quotes and a map of the tree trimming sections are attached.
Recently, Arbor Care Tree Surgeons was purchased by Chelsea-based Burman’s Tree Services, which includes retaining the Arbor Care crews. Both companies have met with staff and the quote provided by Arbor Care will be honored by Burman’s.