January 23, 2023

City of Dexter City Council

Work Session and Meeting

Monday, January 23, 2023 @ 6 p.m. (Work Session) and 7 p.m. (Meeting)

3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom

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Meeting ID: 881 4138 1694#

Work Session Agenda: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2023/Agendas/2023-01-23-CC-A-WS.pdf

Work Session Packet: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2023/Packets/2023-01-23-CC-P-WS.pdf

Meeting Agenda: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2023/Agendas/2023-01-23-CC-A.pdf

Meeting Packet: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2023/Packets/2023-01-23-CC-P.pdf

Work Session @ 6 p.m.

Council will continue reviewing its rules.

Meeting @ 7 p.m.

As always, there are two opportunities for non-arranged public participation: one near the beginning of the meeting and one near the end of the meeting. See the agenda for details. Just state your name and address and then share your thoughts–it’s that easy!

During pre-arranged participation, Mayor Keough will read a proclamation recognizing the Dexter High School Football Team. Council will also hear from Rana Emmons, PSLZ, LLC about the City’s audited financial report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.

Council will review (1) minutes of its most recent meeting(s) and (2) the upcoming meeting list. We will also hear various updates from staff, including the City Manager and the Mayor (note that corresponding written reports are included in the meeting packet). 

Staff updates that might be of interest:                       

  • 2022 Tax Collection. The final date to pay 2022 property taxes without penalty is February 15, 2023, and the last day that the City can receive payments is February 28, 2023. After that date, taxes are payable at the Washtenaw County Treasurer’s office.

  • 3045 Broad St. The 3045 Broad Street Committee has been scheduled to meet with Common Sail on Jan 31st. Common Sail is updating its TIF strategies spreadsheets to reflect actual DDA tax captures. For example, the DDA does not capture 53% of Washtenaw County ISD millage nor does it capture 50% of WC millage. Commons Sail has indicated a desire to ask the Committee if it would support asking the County for 100% capture, due to the unique challenges associated with the site. Common Sail will also provide updated cost estimates for the concept plan, including parking (underground and above ground), two different pro-formas (MEDC’s and their own), results of their market study, and additional scale and massing perspectives requested by the 3045 Broad Street Committee. Common Sail will also present a revised concept addressing concerns that certain first floor residential units (in the building closest to the cemetery) are too close to the park/pathway.

  • 8180 Main Street – A pre-application meeting has been scheduled for Feb. 3rd to discuss a potential development project at 8180 Main St. Kelly Anderson, with KLA Development has requested a pre-application meeting to present a concept for a 4-story 10–15-unit residential condominium project for property the property located at 8180 Main Street. The pre-application committee consists of Mayor Keough, Council members Michels and Schlaff and Planning Commissioners Covert and Marsh, along with staff, DPW, DAFD and our planning and engineering consultants. Staff anticipates a copy of the presentation will be provided next week, and then will be shared with the Pre-app committee. Staff will also include the concept in the next City Council and the Planning Commission reports.

  • 7965 & 7997 Grand Street – A pre-application meeting has been scheduled for Jan 25th to consider a concept plan, submitted by Mike Penn and MAV Development for a multiple- family rental housing development for property located at 7965 & 7997 Grand Street. The pre-application committee for this meeting includes Mayor Keough, Council members Griffin and Semifero, Planning Commissioner Kowalski, along with staff, DPW, DAFD and our planning and engineering consultants. Staff will also include the concept in the next City Council and the Planning Commission reports.

  • News on Main St – Scott Thomas, owner of Hotel Hickman has sold his retail space, located at 8054 Main Street, to ESR Main, LLC. The new owner wasted no time in finding a new tenant, a jewelry store. The business owner, Steven Turchin specializes in custom jewelry, and staff anticipates his business will be a welcome addition in the downtown.

Following the presentation and any discussion of these reports, Council will consider the following items as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless Council votes to do otherwise, these items are voted on as a single bundle without Council discussion.               

  • Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $341,265.36

  • Proposal from Nelson Tank for Engineering Services Related to Painting the Exterior of the Water Tower for an Amount not to Exceed $16,000

    • In October 2022, Nelson Tank evaluated the coating of the City’s water tower located in the Industrial Park. This evaluation was to determine what type of work would be necessary in order to repaint the water tower: whether it be full sandblasting or power washing before recoating the tower. Based on the findings of this evaluation, Nelson Tank found that the water tower’s current coating will only require power washing and spot-sanding prior to recoating. As a part of the total $114,000 estimate for the complete work for the water tower, the initial engineering will need to be completed, which includes:

      • Design the security railing that is now required by state law

      • Assistance with bid specifications

      • Assistance with water tower draining and refilling

    • The water tower repainting project was included as a part of the 2022-23 budget in the Water Fund.

  • Purchase of a Bobcat Articulated Loader for an Amount not to Exceed $50,119.16

    • Originally budgeted for FY 2023-24, City staff is looking to purchase a Bobcat Loader in FY 2022-23.

      • In FY 2022-23, the following purchases were budgeted in the Equipment Replacement/Motor Pool Fund: Backhoe (excavator), Forklift, and Zero Turn Mower.

      • In FY 2023-24, the following purchases were budgeted in the Equipment Replacement/Motor Pool Fund: Bucket Truck and Kubota Mower with Cab

    • The City has placed an order for the backhoe, forklift, and zero turn mower, but it is unlikely that the City will be able to take possession (or pay for) of the backhoe until FY 2023-24, likely in August 2023 or later. As a result, the Equipment Replacement/Motor Pool Fund will be under budget in the current fiscal year. In turn, staff is essentially looking to swap the fiscal years of the backhoe purchase and the Kubota mower with cab purchase.

    • Additionally, the funding for the Bobcat Loader in FY 2023-24 was designated for the purchase of a Kubota Mower with Cab, but after evaluating the functionality and cost of both pieces of equipment, staff determined that the Bobcat Loader would offer greater versatility in functionality versus the Kubota. Both pieces of equipment are approximately the same cost.

    • This purchase has been quoted through MIDEAL State purchase deal pricing.

  • Appointment of Jordan Downing to Parks and Recreation Commission

  • Proposal from Men on the Move for City Offices Moving Support for an Amount not to Exceed $6,500

    • With an impending City Hall relocation at the end of February, staff has solicited quotes from multiple commercial movers. After reviewing the quotes, staff recommends utilize Men On The Move’s services for the relocation. Attached to this memo is the quote staff received from Men On The Move during their on-site walkthrough.

    • The quote received from Men On The Move was originally quoted at $4,785, but this did not include the disassembly and reassembly of desks or potential costs associated with needing movers for a longer duration of time.

Council will consider (i.e., take formal action on; “C”) or discuss (i.e., take no formal action on; “D”) the following business:     

  • Setting a Public Hearing to Consider an Amendment to the City’s Subdivision Ordinance for February 27, 2023 (C)

    • City Council is scheduled to contemplate setting a public hearing for the purpose of considering Updates to the Subdivision Ordinance. The Subdivision Ordinance is part of the General Code of Ordinances for the City of Dexter (Chapter 20, Article 2 of the General Code, Divisions 1-7) and sets forth the procedures and requirements for platting of subdivisions, in accordance with PA 288 of 1967 (the Subdivision Control Act), as amended. Updates to the Subdivision Ordinance include street design and layout, landscaping and property line for future residential, commercial, and industrial subdivisions. It also proposes reviewing options for new developments, with multiple buildings on large parcels, which are only likely to apply, if the City boundaries expand, by annexation. The City’s commitment to Complete Streets has been incorporated into the document, as well.

  • Public Safety Facilities (D)

    • During the January 9, 2023 meeting, City Council identified some additional desired information to assist in conversations regarding the selection of a location for the proposed fire safety facilities. Staff met with Chief Armstrong on Tuesday, January 17th to discuss these items. The following documents are provided for City Council’s review:

      • 2022 Fire Runs Per City Neighborhood – as provided by Chief Armstrong (see below; a similar document was produced in 2018, which is also included below)

      • 2022 Fire Runs Per Area for Surrounding Townships (see packet)

      • General Run Route Map from 8140 Main St. (see below)

      • General Run Route Map from MAV (see below)

      • Through discussions with Chief Armstrong, he indicated that an estimate of the number of “emergent” (lights and siren) calls is approximately 75% of department runs. He also indicated that backup alarms would sound while pulling trucks back into the station.


February 4, 2023


January 9, 2023