March, 25 2024
City of Dexter City Council Meeting
Monday, March 25, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom
Join Meeting via Zoom (in-person attendance also welcome!)
Dial In 877 853 5247 OR 888 788 0099 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 827 1693 8464#
Meeting Agenda:
Meeting Packet:
Pre-arranged participation will be limited to those who notify the City office before 5:00 p.m. Monday of the week preceding the meeting, stating name, intent and time requirements. (10-minute limit per participant)
Non-arranged participation will include those in the audience not listed on the agenda that wish to speak. At the Mayor’s discretion, members of the audience may be called on to speak at any time. Those addressing the Council will state their name, and address. This section is limited to 5-minutes per participant or 10-minutes for group representative.
As always, there are two opportunities for non-arranged public participation: one near the beginning of the meeting and one near the end of the meeting. See the agenda for details. Just state your name and address and then share your thoughts–it’s that easy!
Council will review (1) minutes of its most recent meeting(s) and (2) the upcoming meeting list. We will also hear various updates from staff, including the City Manager and the Mayor (note that corresponding written reports are included in the meeting packet).
Updates that might be of interest:
Cases on Planning Commission April 1st Agenda
PSPS23-0001 Special Land Use 7001 Dexter Ann Arbor Road - Public hearing public hearing is to consider a special land use request for an indoor kids play zone, located at 7001 Dexter-Ann Arbor Road.
Capital Improvements Plan Review – Consideration of the Capital Improvements Plan for FY 2024-2029.
PPFSP24-0001 The Pelham PUD Final Site Plan – Consideration of the final PUD site plan and PUD Agreement for The Pelham Condominiums, located at 8180 Main Street. City Council granted conditional approval of the Preliminary PUD Site Plan on November 27, 2023.
PSPC24-0001 Dexter Senior Center Combined Site Plan – Consideration of a combined site plan for an approximately 9,000 sq. ft. one-story senior center building, located at 2740 Baker Road.
PASPX24-0001 Final PUD Site Plan Approval Extension – Consideration of a request to extend final PUD site plan approval for Millennium Place, located at 7956 & 7960 Grand Street.
Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Monthly Police Services Report Excerpt (February 2024)
Noteworthy events in Dexter City during the last month include:
On February 1st Deputies responded to the 8300 block of Parkridge Drive for a Felonious Assault. The caller stated that he confronted an unknown juvenile who had broken into his vehicle and chased the subject on foot. While chasing the unknown juvenile, several other juveniles entered a multi-tone pick- up truck and drove in the caller’s direction, nearly striking them. Deputies checked the are for any video of the incident but were unable to locate any. Deputies have been unable to identify any suspects in this incident.
On February 9th Deputies responded to the 3300 block of Central Street for a Malicious Destruction of Property. The caller indicated they were out of town but were notified by a neighbor that someone had spraypainted “go dreads 24” on the side of their home. Deputies checked the area for any video surveillance but did not locate any. Deputies have been unable to identify any suspects.
On February 28th Deputies investigated two (2) Malicious Destructions of Property incidents in the 7000 block of Ann Arbor Street. Both victims advised that the driver side windows had been damaged on their vehicles while parked in the roadway. Initial investigations indicated that an unknown subject damaged the window with a BB/Pellet gun. No suspects have been identified in these incidents.
Peters Office Federal Appropriations Request. Staff met with members of Senator Peters’ office on Tuesday, March 12th to discuss projects that may be fundable under Congressional Direct Spending Appropriations. By the March 19th deadline, staff submitted two projects to Senator Peters’ office: (1) the public safety facilities project and (2) the Mill Creek Park enhancements.
Parks ADA Project Update. As a part of the Parks budget, $10,000 is planned for each fiscal year to fix ADA deficiencies within the City’s parks. So far this fiscal year, staff has added railing to the Monument Park Gazebo, with another ADA project planned for the spring. For the spring project, staff has been working on getting quotes for an ADA ramp to the Community Park gazebo, but has found another opportunity to create accessibility along our trails. Staff proposed to the Parks Commission at their March meeting that with an installation of a bench donation already planned for the spring along the Mill Creek Trail, staff would look to add additional concrete pads and ADA benches along phase two of the trail since the DPW will already be renting equipment to complete that donation. As a part of completing the benches in the spring, the gazebo ramp could be completed after the new fiscal year starts on July 1st.
This swap would still allow both projects to be completed during calendar year 2024, but allow staff more time to get quotes for the ramp. During the last Parks meeting, a scout leader for the boy scouts stated that he may have an Eagle Scout who might be interested in completing the ramp as a project. Staff will work with the scouts, Parks, and DPW to evaluate the proposal.
Following the presentation and any discussion of these reports, Council will consider (i.e., take formal action on) the following items as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless Council votes to do otherwise, these items are voted on as a single bundle without Council discussion.
Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $1,165,779.80
Closure of Central Street on May 18, 2024 for Garden Club Plant Sale
A road closure permit request has been submitted by the Dexter Garden Club for the Dexter Garden Club Plant Sale. The event is to be held on May 18th, going from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The proposed closure would be Central Street between Fifth and Main Street between 6:00 am to 4:00 pm to allow for the unloading and loading of plants and materials before and after the event.
Appointment to the Dexter Downtown Development Authority
DDA – Term Ending June 2024
Laura Keefer
Eagle Scout Bank Stabilization Project Adjacent to Mill Creek
Dima Griffiths of Boy Scout Troop 477 is looking to complete a bank stabilization project on Mill Creek across from the Mill Creek Trail as a part of his Eagle Scout project. In his proposal, Dima, Ann Arbor Trout Unlimited (AATU), and team will be using cuttings (a piece of a plant that is used to propagate the growth of a new plant) to plant 90 new trees across the creek. The plantings will be split into groups of three, which will be surrounded by enclosures to protect them from wildlife while they grow. Dima indicated that three species of tree will be used (cottonwoods, willows, alders) and randomized in their planting order to create an organic blend of trees. The tree species were selected due to previous plantings that have taken place in the area.
The goals of these plantings are:
Reduce erosion of the bank to prevent sediment from being washed into the creek
Improve the health of the creek
Create a scenic view across the creek
Reduce the temperature of the creek to help benefit the trout population
MDOT Resolution for Designation of Street Administrator
With Kurt Augustine’s retirement at the end of March 2024, the City is required to appoint and file a new Street Administrator with MDOT. Staff is recommending Public Services Superintendent Tim Stewart to fill the role of Street Administrator.
MDOT has a required template resolution to change the appointee. The Street Administrator designee is also listed in City Council’s Organizational Matters Resolution. Two items are included on the March 25th agenda to make the Street Administrator designation change.
Amendment to the Organizational Matters Resolution to Change the Street Administrator
See previous item.
In addition to any items described under Consent Agenda (above), Council will consider (i.e., take formal action on; “C”) or discuss (i.e., take no formal action on; “D”) the following business:
Amendment to the 2019 Master Plan as Recommended by Planning Commission (C)
On March 4, 2024, the Planning Commission considered and discussed the 1) criteria for considering a rezoning request; 2) the future land use designation and zoning classificiation of the property located at 2505 Baker Road, as well as, properties adjacen to the north; and 3) using housing goals, determine the appropriate future land use designation. Following the presentation by staff and a thorough discussion, the Planning Commission, in an effort to meet the goal of encouraging a variety of housing types in the City, voted (5-1) to recommend to the following, to the City Council:
1) Amend the Future Land Use Map, in the City of Dexter Master Plan to designate the properties located at 2505, 2521, and 2537 Baker Road (08-08-06-400-018, 08-08-06-400-019, and 08-08-06- 400-020, respectively) as Village Residential 1; and
2) Distribute the proposed Master Plan amendment to Contiguous Municipal Planning Commission or Legislative Body, County and Regional Planning, Public Utilities, and Railroad Company, in accordance with PA 33 of 2008, the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, as amended.
As Council is aware, on February 5th, the Planning Commission voted (4-2) to initiate an amendment to the Master Plan, after considering a request from the Dexter Community Schools (DCS) Board of Education (BOE). The request called for an expedited rezoning of the property, located at 2505 Baker Road (subject site) from PF Public Facilities to Residential use. The property is currently zoned PF Public Facilities. Residential uses are not allowed as a permitted use or special land use in the PF district. This presents an issue for the DCS because of its desire to sell the property for residential use.
When considering a rezoning request (a/k/a Zoning Map Amendment), the Planning Commission and City Council must consider the requests 1) Consistency with the Master Plan, 2) Compatibility with the Environment, 3) Return on Investment, 4) Use Compatibility, 5) Impact on City Services, 6) Demand for Use, and 7) other factors deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission and City Council, per Section 23.05 of the Zoning Ordinance.
With the update to the City of Dexter Master Plan in 2019, the Future Land Use classification of all properties owned by DCS was changed to Public Facilities, including the subject site. The two properties adjacent to the north of the subject site, 2521 and 2537 Baker Road, were also Master Planned Public Facilities, due to their proximity to other DCS-owned properties.
All DCS properties were rezoned to PF Public Facilities, including 2505 Baker Road in 2023 (as part of the Zoning Ordinance update). However, the two properties adjacent to the north, 2521 and 2537 Baker Road, retained their R-1 single-family zoning designation because they were (and currently are) privately owned and were (and currently are) used as single-family residences. Therefore, before the Planning Commission and City Council considers the rezoning request, the Future Land Use Map in the Master Plan should be amended.
Application for Special Land Use and Preliminary Site Plan Review for Superior Spaces (C)
On March 4, 2024 the Planning Commission continued its consideration of the above referenced Application for Special Land Use (PSLU23-0002) and Preliminary Site Plan (PSPP23-0002) for Superior Spaces, submitted by Superior Storage Group, LLC. The revised plans call for the construction of three (3) new, multi-tenant industrial buildings, each with three (3) units, and a self-storage facility that includes an office building and nine (9) 30-foot x 150-foot storage buildings, which would provide 338 self-storage units.
The subject site is located at 2558 Bishop Circle West (08-08-07-125-047) and is comprised of four lots, numbers 9, 10, 11 and 12. The subject site is zoned RD, Research and Development. Self-storage facilities are special land uses in the RD District. Multi-tenant industrial buildings are a permitted in the RD District.
Following presentations by the applicant, CWA, OHM, DAFD and staff, the Planning Commission engaged in a thorough discussion, before voting 5-1 to find the application for a Special Land Use Permit (PSLU23-0002) for Superior Spaces, located at 2558 Bishop Circle West (08-08-07-125-047) (MEETS the standards for special land uses in Sections 8.03, and recommended APPROVAL to City Council, subject to the following conditions:
Waiver of the landscape screening requirement along the rear property line, and
Submittal of a revised preliminary site plan that addresses the concerns cited in the staff, CWA, OHM and DAFD review letters; and the comments by the Planning Commission, but not including rotating the site layout.