March 27, 2023
City of Dexter City Council Meeting
Monday, March 27, 2023 at 7 p.m.
3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom
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Meeting ID: 881 4138 1694#
Meeting Agenda:
Meeting Packet:
As always, there are two opportunities for non-arranged public participation: one near the beginning of the meeting and one near the end of the meeting. See the agenda for details. Just state your name and address and then share your thoughts–it’s that easy!
During pre-arranged participation, we will hear from Julia Roberts on behalf of the Western Washtenaw Area Value Express. Staff has invited Ms. Roberts to provide an update to City Council and present WAVE’s FY 2023-24 budget request. Pre-arranged participation will be limited to those who notify the City office before 5:00 p.m. Monday of the week preceding the meeting, stating name, intent and time requirements.
Council will review (1) minutes of its most recent meeting(s) and (2) the upcoming meeting list. We will also hear various updates from staff, including the City Manager and the Mayor (note that corresponding written reports are included in the meeting packet).
Staff updates that might be of interest:
The Watermoo. The Watermoo bike race will be held on Saturday, August 12th, 2023, with the start and finish of the race being at Jolly Pumpkin in the Industrial Park along Dan Hoey Road. Staff wanted to mention this because although the majority of the 111-mile race takes place on gravel trail, staff asks that residents traveling into the Industrial Park on that day be mindful of the increased number of bicyclists. The Watermoo did not request any road closures for the event.
Easter Eggstravaganza. Tickets are on sale for the Easter Egg Scramble portion of the Easter Eggstravaganza at City Hall, 3515 Broad St. The Scramble will be taking place the morning of Saturday, April 8th with check-in beginning at 9:00am. The scramble will be split into three heats for children 0-3, 4-6, and 7-10. For older kids and members of the community of any age, the Eggstravaganza’s Riddle Hunt will begin Saturday, March 25th. Members of the public will use riddles to track down an Easter Egg hidden in each park that has a word used to complete a secret phrase. Once the phrase is found, families can come to 3515 Broad Street and claim a prize! The Riddle Hunt will run from the 25th of March until April 7th. Staff would also like to thank the Girl Scout Troops that assisted with the egg stuffing for this year’s event.
Following the presentation and any discussion of these reports, Council will consider the following items as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless Council votes to do otherwise, these items are voted on as a single bundle without Council discussion.
Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $786,364.94
Velo Club Road Closure
A road closure permit request has been submitted by the Ann Arbor Velo Club to host their Spring Training Series bicycle rides. Per their permit request, select roads in the Industrial Park would be closed on the following days:
Sunday, April 16, 2023 from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Sunday, April 23, 2023 from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Sunday, April 27, 2023 from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Sunday, May 7, 2023 from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Council will consider (i.e., take formal action on; “C”) or discuss (i.e., take no formal action on; “D”) the following business:
Naming Policy (D/C)
Council Member Michels requested that an item be included on the March 27, 2023 agenda relating to a proposed naming policy.
If Council is interested in having staff pursue the development of a Naming Policy, staff can begin development. If Council is not interested in the development of a Naming Policy, staff would like further direction relating to Council’s expectations of staff in honoring Paul Cousins.
Common Sail Extension Request for 3045 Broad St. Pre-Development Agreement (C)
In a letter dated, March 13, 2023, Common Sail Development Group is requesting an extension of the Option Period for an additional four (4) months.
On October 12, 2022 the City of Dexter (City) and Dexter Downtown Development Authority (DDA) entered into a Pre-Development Agreement with Common Sail Development Group (Developer) with the intent facilitating the redevelopment of the five properties, collectively known as, the 3045 Broad Street Redevelopment Project.
Section 1 of the Agreement set forth a six-month Option Period vesting the Developer with the exclusive right and ability to purse a potential mixed-use development project and evaluate its feasibility. In consideration for the Option, the Developer paid the DDA a sum of $25,000.00 (Option Price). The Option Period started on the effective date of the Agreement, which is October 12, 2022 and is set to expire on April 12, 2023.
Section 1 also placed conditions on the Option Price, in the event of 1) the City/DDA and Developer enter into a purchase agreement, or 2) a termination by default by Developer, or 3) a termination by mutual agreement, or 4) by Developer terminating the agreement prior to the expiration of the Option Period.
Section 2 of the Agreement allows for one (1) four-month extension, provided the City and DDA determine the Developer is “making active, good progress towards obtain conceptual plans, studies, and proforma(s).”
At its March 15, 2023 meeting, the DDA considered the same request, as it is a party to the Pre- Development Agreement. Board members questioned Common Sail representatives, Kevin Denoyer and Eric Tuomey, who attended the meeting, about the status of their geotechnical mitigation efforts. Mr. Tuomey stated the company spent the last month finalizing a contract with a new geotechnical company (TEC), obtained a public property access permit from the city on March 14th, and announced that mobilization by TEC was scheduled to commence Wed, March 15th.
During the board’s (DDA) discussion, Mayor Keough stated he spoke with Mr. Denoyer last month after learning about the soil boring situation and that he explained to Mr. Denoyer the city was incurring costs from our attorney and environmental consultant, and that those cost needed to be covered by Common Sail (using the $25,000 Option Price).
The Board (DDA) questioned the status of revised TIF scenarios, to which Mr. Tuomey indicated they would be ready in one week.
Following the discussion, the Board (DDA) voted unanimously to approve the request for a four (4) month extension to the Pre-Development Agreement.
Line Striping Bid from M&M Pavement Markings (C)
On an annual basis, the City hires a vendor to re-stripe street markings and re-apply street stencils. In February 2023, the City issued a bid for 2023 pavement markings. At the bid deadline, the City received two bids, and M&M Pavement Markings was the low bidder. The bid tab is attached. The City has worked with M&M before and has been satisfied with their work. The base bid is $33,255.14.
As part of the bid package, staff included two bid alternate items in order to get the cost of performing additional work.
Alternate 1 was included to get the cost of applying green paint to the bicycle lane on Central Street as a test of this material and treatment. M&M was not able to provide a cost to do this work as of the bid deadline, but indicated that they would follow-up with one of the approved suppliers to get pricing. If Council chooses to move forward with this item, staff would suggest providing an allowance of $11,600 (the amount proposed by P.K. Contracting).
Alternate 2 was included at the request of the DAFD to get the cost of applying striped white lines in front of 8140 Main St. to indicate a “no parking” zone. The proposed cost of this work from M&M is $200.
Water Tower Painting Services from Fedewa, Inc. in an Amount not to Exceed $69,999 (C)
The bids for the painting of the Dexter water tower were opened on March 20th, 2023. The City of Dexter received seven bids, ranging in cost from $69,999 to $127,750. After reviewing the submitted bids, Nelson Tank, the company contracted to do the engineering services for the water tower, recommended using Fedewa, Inc., the apparent low bidder. Their bid, $69,999, came in significantly under the engineer’s estimate of $98,000. Nelson Tank also indicated that Fedewa, Inc. has completed projects of similar nature in the past and they would recommend them for this project.
The tower design is based on Council’s approval of a white tower with black lettering. As bid, the lettering would appear on two sides of the water tower.
Dan Hoey Resurfacing Bid from Cadillac Asphalt in an Amount not to Exceed $844,250 (C)
City Council previously approved two design scopes from OHM – one for the resurfacing of the east and west ends of Dan Hoey Rd., and a second for a mixed concrete replacement project. The mixed concrete replacement project involved the reconstruction of the concrete crosswalk at Edison St. and Ann Arbor St.; and the spot replacement of curb and gutter in the Huron Farms neighborhood. These projects were originally kept separate in an effort to attain funding via the TEDF-B grant program, administered through the State of Michigan. Following notification that the City was not awarded a grant through the program, the City and OHM combined these projects for ease of administration. Through conversation with City Council and on-site inspection, the scope was expanded to include 1) the installation of a new sidewalk on the south side of Dan Hoey, 2) a new mid-block crossing in front of Hilltop with RRFB, and 3) the inclusion of the resurfacing of Lexington from Dan Hoey to Dexter-Ann Arbor Rd. City Council previously approved funding for construction engineering for the miscellaneous concrete work, but that amount is being considered overwritten and replaced with the current proposed work.
At the deadline for submission of bids, the City received one bid, from Cadillac Asphalt for a total of $767,550 for all components of the project. While the City received only one bid, it is the advice of OHM representatives that the price provided is fair for the work as proposed. Staff is recommending an award of $844,250 to allow for $76,750 (10%) project contingency. It is staff’s goal to not use the contingency.
Per the bid specifications, the work unrelated to Dan Hoey is permitted to begin in May. The work on Dan Hoey, including partial road closure, is permitted to begin after school is finished for the summer, and needs to be complete before school resumes in August. This project will split two fiscal years (FY 22-23 and FY 23-24).
Construction Engineering Services for Dan Hoey Road Project from OHM Advisors for an Amount not to Exceed $113,400 (C)
The attached proposal (not to exceed $113,400) from OHM is for construction engineering and on-site inspection of the above project, which includes the following tasks:
Construction Layout
Construction Observation
Materials Testing
Construction Engineering and Contract Administration
Additional as-needed Services
Proposals from OHM Advisors and ASTI Environmental for Engineering, Geotechnical and Environmental Work Related to Public Safety Facilities (C)
As previously discussed by City Council, staff worked to connect Partners in Architecture with the City’s consultants - OHM Advisors and ASTI Environmental in an effort to receive proposals for engineering, geotechnical, and environmental work related to public safety facilities. Staff is aware that the connections have been made, but as of the release of the agenda packet on March 22nd, the proposals have not yet been prepared. This item has been included on the agenda in the event that the proposals are received by staff in time to share with City Council for the March 27th meeting. If the proposals have not been received, this item can be removed from the agenda.