May 1, 2023
City of Dexter Planning Commission
Public Hearing and Meeting
Monday, May 1, 2023 at 7 p.m.
3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom
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Meeting ID: 849 9854 3134#
Meeting Agenda:
Meeting Packet:
Official Public Hearing Notice:
Public Hearing: Capital Improvements Plan
The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the proposed City of Dexter Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for FY 2023-2028. The CIP is a program that projects and coordinates public expenditures for improvements to the transportation and utility systems, municipal facilities, and other capital improvement projects over a six-year period. Preparation of the capital improvements plan is done under the authority of the PA 33 of 2008, the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, as amended. It is the Planning Commission’s goal that the CIP be used as a tool to implement the City’s Master Plan and assist is the City’s financial planning.
If you would like to provide comment on the Capital Improvements Plan, just state your name and address when called to the podium (or when called to speak via Zoom) and then share your thoughts. It’s that easy!
Conceptual PUD Review: 8180 Main Street, “The Pelham”
The Planning Commission is scheduled to review and discuss a Planned Unit Development Application for a Conceptual Site Plan Review. The applicant, The Pelham, LLC, is proposing a multiple-family residential housing development, at 8180 Main Street, Dexter, MI. The applicant has entered into a purchase agreement with the owner of the property, 76 Properties, LLC, represented by Nate Pound.
The proposed multiple-family development project consists of three (3) five story multiple-family buildings, each with eleven (11) dwelling units and fourteen ground floor parking spaces. Additional surface parking is also proposed, along with an underground stormwater management system, dumpster enclosures and landscaping. According to the applicant, as The Pelham, LLC team “researched the rich history of Dexter it was important that we recognize the brilliant engineering directly adjacent to our site. Fredrick Pelham's famous stone viaduct is an inspiration and we believe our project incorporates details of the historic homes (crown with a double corbel), and this stone viaduct that is still standing after 134 years. Our goal is to create a project that bridges the historic Main Street, and this engineering accomplishment. The Pelham will incorporate a cast stone base, and an arched entry with glass and steel canopy. The upper floors of the building will be reminiscent of the historic homes that define the city's charm and character. Each building will have a slight variation in the color scheme above the cast stone base. Phase 1 will be built at the north-east end of the property to allow for easy access during phase 2 and 3. The phase 2 and 3 buildings have been oriented to present the front entry feature to cars traveling in both directions, in and out of town. We believe that our site section presents our building favorably as a 5-story structure, due to the natural topography, existing trees, and the district library.”
All proposed PUD projects are required to undergo a conceptual review, first by the Planning Commission, and the by the City Council. The purpose of the conceptual review it to provide an applicant an opportunity to present conceptual plans to the entire Planning Commission and City Council, respectively, and obtain valuable feedback before submitting for preliminary PUD review. No action is taken and comments provided are not binding. At this stage, detailed landscaping, site grading, drainage, and utilities, etc. are not required. Basic question of use, density, design, architecture, integration with existing development in the area, and impacts on and the availability of public infrastructure are generally discussed.
See the agenda and packet for additional details.