November 28, 2022
City of Dexter City Council Meeting
Monday, November 28, 2022 @ 7 p.m.
3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom
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Meeting ID: 889 9807 6169#
Meeting Agenda:
Meeting Packet:
Zoning Ordinance:
Subdivisions Ordinance:
Public Hearing Notice:
The meeting will begin with the swearing in ceremony of our newly-elected council members Sanam Arab, Joe Semifero, and Dan Schlaff; Shawn Keough was re-elected to be mayor.
There is a public hearing about Amendments to the General Code of Ordinances – Chapters 18 – Environment, and 62 - Vegetation. The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment regarding the following text amendments to City of Dexter General Code of Ordinances: 1. Amend Chapter 18, Section 18-31 to delete sub-section (b) growth of lawn, noxious weeds, or other harmful plants over eight inches in height; and 2. Amend Chapter 62 to add a new Article III, for the purpose of regulating the growth of lawn, noxious weeds, or other harmful plants over eight inches in height. See here for the official public notice: and pages 25-34 of the packet for the revised draft ordinance.
As always, there are two opportunities for non-arranged public participation: one near the beginning of the meeting and one near the end of the meeting. See the agenda for details. Just state your name and address and then share your thoughts–it’s that easy!
During pre-arranged participation, we will hear a presentation about the 2022 Farmers Market.
Council will review (1) minutes of its most recent meeting(s) and (2) the upcoming meeting list. We will also hear various updates from staff, including the City Manager and the Mayor (note that corresponding written reports are included in the meeting packet).
Staff updates that might be of interest:
3045 Broad St Update. The 3045 Broad Street Committee and Common Sail met to review and discuss a schedule and revised concept for the 3045 Broad Street project. Common Sail is eager to move forward with schematic design, so staff anticipates a pre-application meeting will be scheduled in the very near future.
2nd Street Sub-Area Plan Proposal. The Planning Commission has requested CWA to bring a proposal for preparing an amendment to the Master Plan, for the Study of Second Street to include a few public engagement options.
Parks Accessibility Audit. Representatives from OHM Advisors presented the Accessibility Audit to the Parks & Recreation Commission at their November meeting. The presentation will be given to City Council at their December 12th meeting.
Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Report. Noteworthy events in Dexter City during last month include:
On October 6th Deputies investigated a check fraud in the 2200 block of Bishop Circle East. The caller advised that while reviewing the business’ financial records, they located four (4) unauthorized checks totaling over $7,000 in funds. The funds were deposited in Massachusetts and Texas. Deputies have been unable to positively identify a suspect.
On October 24th Deputies were approached by a concerned citizen who advised of a physical altercation near the 7600 block of Dan Hoey Rd. Deputies checked the area and located a victim who advised they were assaulted by a group of males when they attempted to intervene in a verbal argument. The victim relayed that they observed an unknown black female fleeing from a group of black males. When the victim inquired if the female needed assistance, she became hostile toward the victim and their acquaintance. The victim attempted to leave the area; however, they were assaulted by the group of black males. After the assault, the assailants fled back into the apartments in the 7600 block of Dan Hoey. Deputies are attempting to identify the assailants; however, their identities are unknown currently.
On October 29th Deputies responded to the 7600 block of Dan Hoey Rd for a Disorderly complaint. The caller advised of several disorderly events over the past few days. While on-scene, dispatch received an additional call from an irate female who indicated that Deputies were looking for her (possibly related to the incident on 10/24). Deputies contacted the female caller who was aggressive and threatening toward Deputies. A group of unknown individuals emerged out of the apartments and began circling Deputies in a threatening manner. Deputies determined that irate female was not a resident of the complex and transported her to an address in Ann Arbor City.
Following the presentation and any discussion of these reports, Council will consider the following items as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless Council votes to do otherwise, these items are voted on as a single bundle without Council discussion.
Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $269,347.75
Approval of the Washtenaw Regional Resource Management Authority (WRRMA) FY 2023 Budget
Resolution to Appoint a Delegate and Alternate to the Washtenaw Regional Resource Management Authority (WRRMA) Board
Proposal from Raymer to Perform Preventative Maintenance on High Service Pump and Well for an Amount not to Exceed $30,000
Dexter Daze Park Use Permit Request for the Holiday Light Parade on December 10, 2022
The City of Dexter has received a park use permit request submitted by Dexter Daze for the Holiday Light Parade on December 10, 2022. This includes road closures along the parade route and a 20’x10’ tent in Monument Park. The parade will include closures to the following roads:
• Inverness between Forest and Dexter Ann Arbor (4:30pm to 6:00pm)
• Kensington between Forest and Dexter Ann Arbor (4:30pm to 6:00pm)
• Dexter Ann Arbor/Main St. between Inverness and Jeffords (6:00pm to 7:00pm)
Resolution for Recommendation of Erratic Ales Social District Permit Request to MLCC
FY 2022-23 Budget Amendments
Council will consider (i.e., take formal action on; “C”) or discuss (i.e., take no formal action on; “D”) the following business:
Continuing the Dexter Downtown Social District (C)
During the November 14th meeting, City Council was asked to consider the ongoing implementation of the downtown social district. Before postponing the item to the November 28th meeting, City Council indicated a desire to implement a year-round social district, and directed staff to make the following edits to the Social District Management and Maintenance Plan:
Allow for year-round operation;
Include Designation Revocation language;
Clarify Activating District section; and
Clarify location of restrooms.
Clarify location of trash receptacles in relation to signage
Staff also cleaned-up language regarding snow removal. Redline and clean versions of the revised Downtown Social District Management and Maintenance Plan are found on pages 97-102 of the packet.
Resolution to Amend Organizational Matters (D/C)
Following elections for City Council, the Council reviews and updates its Organizational Matters document, which lists City representatives to various boards and commissions as well as the designation of firms and individuals for various responsibilities.
City Council Rules (D/C)
Per Rule 12: “Council rules shall be reviewed and adopted within 60 days after the General Election and/or a change in the membership of the Council. Council-adopted rules may be altered or amended by a vote of a majority of the members if notice of the proposed change shall have been given at a preceding meeting of the Council and a written copy of the proposed change has been distributed to all members.”
Proposal from OHM Advisors for Traffic Study of Meadowview/Dexter-Ann Arbor for an Amount not to Exceed $9,000 (C)
Over the last year, staff has received several calls/e-mails regarding turns into and out of Mill Creek Middle School at Meadowview and Dexter-Ann Arbor Rd. In early-2022, at the request of Council, staff solicited proposals from OHM Advisors to conduct traffic and signalization studies at four intersections, which included the Meadowview intersection. At that time, Council opted to not proceed with the Meadowview proposal. In September, Council asked that staff solicit a new proposal from OHM to conduct a more holistic evaluation of the intersection, which would include geometry as well as signalization. The attached proposal from OHM includes the work necessary to perform a more thorough evaluation of the intersection, including the geometry, pavement markings, and signalization.
Public Safety Facilities Next Steps & Bonding Process (D)
On Monday, August 8, 2022, City Council voted to put forward a ballot proposal for the November 8, 2022 Election for a public safety facilities millage-backed bond proposal for an amount not to exceed $8,423,890. The annual millage rate necessary to cover the bond repayment was estimated to be approximately 2 mills. At the end of the night on November 8, 2022, the unofficial election results indicated that the public safety facilities bond proposal passed by a margin of 1,525 “yes” votes to 986 “no” votes. Staff was notified by the Washtenaw County Clerk’s Office on November 15, 2022 of the completion of the Countywide election canvass, thus certifying the election results.
With the dollar amount set by the bond proposal ($8,423,890) plus the $1,000,000 set aside for the project, the next major looming question is: what is City Council’s preference for location? And, what information does City Council need in order to make a decision?
Zoning Ordinance Update & Subdivision Ordinance Update (D)
City Council is scheduled to conduct another discussion regarding recommended updates to the City of Dexter Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. The proposed updates to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances implements land development goal established in the City’s Master Plan (adopted in 2019), including the zoning of annexed areas, establishment of density, uses and building types using a form- based code approach, and implemented residential uses recommended by the Housing Task Force.
The update to the Zoning Ordinance also establishes new regulations for landscaping, signs, parking, and permitted and special land uses. The City’s Zoning Map is updated to match the new ordinance text. The Subdivision Control Ordinance sets forth the procedures and requirements for platting of subdivisions in accordance with PA 288 of 1967 (The Subdivision Control Act), as amended. Updates include street design and layout, landscaping and property line for future residential, commercial, and industrial subdivisions. A table of changes to each Article in the Zoning Ordinance, accompanies this memorandum and
The Subdivision Ordinance is part of the General Code of Ordinances for the City of Dexter (Chapter 20, Article 2 of the General Code, Divisions 1-7) and sets forth the procedures and requirements for platting of subdivisions, in accordance with PA 288 of 1967 (the Subdivision Control Act), as amended. Updates to the Subdivision Ordinance include street design and layout, landscaping and property line for future residential, commercial, and industrial subdivisions. It also proposes reviewing options for new developments, with multiple buildings on large parcels, which are only likely to apply, if the City expands by annexation. The City’s commitment to Complete Streets has been incorporated into the document, as well.
Bicentennial Committee (D)
At a previous City Council meeting, there was discussion regarding the City’s part in preparing for Dexter’s Bicentennial and corresponding celebration. Currently, two groups that are working on activities related to the Bicentennial are: (1) Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee and (2) the Bicentennial Committee.
Sheriff Contract Renewal (D)
As one of the service partners of the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO), the City of Dexter has been provided contract renewal information from the WCSO. The WCSO provides the same rates to all of its contracting communities throughout the County. Contracting communities’ contracts also all expire at the same time, which for this cycle is the end of the 2022 calendar year. The Sheriff’s Office has provided four additional years of renewals (2023 to 2026) that City Council will be asked to consider at the first meeting in December. The yearly increases will be 3% in 2023, 4% in 2024, and 4.25% in 2025 and 2026.
Waiving Donation Requirements for Fido Fountain Donation (D)
Sarah Dombrowski reached out to City staff regarding interest in donating a Fido Fountain in Monument Park in honor of her late uncle Ron Raiford who was a longtime Dexter resident and member of the Dexter Lions. At a previous City Council meeting, Council voted to accept the donation for the Fido Fountain.
Due to the cost of the Fido Fountain being under $10,000, per the City’s adopted donation policy, the donation normally would not meet the threshold for a memorial plaque to be installed on the fountain. Ms. Dombrowski has requested that this requirement be waived so that a plaque can be attached to the fountain to commemorate Mr. Raiford.